Part 126: Low-Level Run - Chapter 8

Last time Taft got her 7th and last level. Also backstory and fuck theme parks I guess.

Entering Gongaga starts a fight with the Turks. This fight gives EXP, so sadly no Fairy Tale, Titan, Mystify, or explanation as to why Rude won't punch Taft to death. Instead I'll have to have her kill herself next time they actually fight.
It's like Romeo and Juliet, except with grenades and theft.

It's scripted. I have to fight things here.

Yeah, it's the place where the Study of Planet Life beg-

I've played this game a half-dozen times jackass!

Rex's backstory is alarmingly similar to Aerated's. Parents died protecting him, so he's the last of his kind.

I buy CLOUD and Aerated new weapons, for the extra link and magic.

And this is why I got so much Ether money. HP Plus is a very important Materia.

It's a substantial boost to survivability.

Taft that's not how space works you idiot you've not been able to even see the sky for the past five years what the hell

That's two words, what is this the idiocy chamer?

Ice T executed his first pig here.

Anyway since I'm keeping Taft at level 7 forever and I only have one free slot, Aerated gets a break for once.

The holes that aren't the switch have no-run encounters.
The hole with the switch was the last one I checked.

These spikes are actually helpful.

They put Rex Ronan and Taft on death's door for me.
Except Taft was already dead so the spikes jolted her to life.


No seriously I love Added Effect. When I get swank-ass lategame materia like Contain it'll be superfun.

So. These spiders. I have to fight two of them.

Their only really dangerous attack is their percentile damage one, and that fills CLOUD's limit break for a Cross Slash. They're open to Stop and Paralyze so this guy doesn't move that much.

I think Elentor was still in the Shinra building when he hit this level.

The second one gets shrunk by Mini. Transform works wonders sometimes.

Then it gets really goofy when frog kicks in.

The Gi Nattak's flames cast Fire2 sometimes. I don't want a random one to be the end of CLOUD.

Shinra has great othrodontists you know.

And that was a boss!

CLOUD hits level 12, hopefully his last for a while.

Hell yeah it was. Taft and Rex Ronan have been dead for like 20 minutes.

"In his day he was also an Experimental Surgeon. He used a radical science called 'anesthesia'."

And so Rex Ronan gets a silly weapon that actually makes his attack the highest in the party but who cares, really? It won't help him fight Blackburn's microbots.